The globalization is characterized by the intense transformation in traditional forms of production, commodification and consume in many aspects of economy. In this context, the audiovisual field have been confronting many alterations in the last twenty years; especifically being part of a proccess characterized by the significante growing quantity of producers and products, forming transnational groups marked by capital and commercial distribution concentration. The economic and cultural audiovisual importance have stimulated some countries to adopt or modify politics for economic fomentation, based on diversification of production. However, optimal results aren’t always achieved, in terms of market particiption, that is majorly occupied by hegemonic productions.
In front of this scenery, the thematic center of the fifth edition of GEMInIS Journal brings as the main theme “Contemporary arrangements of audiovisual economy and creative economy”. It’s a issue dedicated to reflexions of questions like: transformations in the audiovisual field driven by globalization, new ways of audiovisual market production and consuming, the importance of creative economy and the audiovisual market contemporary configurations, as State politics for the audiovisual field and transnational, national and local companies strategies for the same field.
In addition to accepting papers related to the main theme, the journal also will receive academic articles that address other issues related to the communication and audiovisual fields; as well as essays, interviews and reviews of books recently published in Brazil and abroad.
Papers must be submitted until October 14, 2012 by email to the following address: The text can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Article’s extension must be .DOC or similar Microsoft Word compatible files, and the text size must fit from 7 pages (around 2500 words) to 25 pages (circa 11300 words). The text structure, including it’s abstract, images and tables have to be adapted to the current ABNT publishing rules.
The authors have to attach to the work an “authorization term for publishing”, signed by themselves in the following worlds. “I ___________ (complete name of the author), in the case of my paper being selected by the magazine editorial committee, authorize the publication of my article _____________ (title of the article), written by _______ (names of the authors) in the periodic“. This term must be sent in PDF or JPG formats.
Rules for publication.
About GEMInIS Journal: Exclusively online publication of biannual periodicity, linked to the Group of Studies about Interactive Media in audiovisual. (Grupo de Estudos de Mídias Interativas em Imagem e Som – GEMInIS). The group is supported by the post-graduation program in Image and Sound of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFScar). The publication approach themes like: mediatic and cultural convergence, audiovisual narratives, participatory culture, media franchises, serial audiovisual fiction, transmediatic narratives, market and digital economy, cinematographic and televisive production and also video games.
Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. João Carlos Massarolo (
Thematic Co-Editor: Prof. Dr. Arthur Autran