Author’s Guidelines – GEMInIS Journal
Rules for submissions
We receive original articles written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
Book reviews, research communications, essays and another texts must have at least 2 pages; in another words, circa 900 words. The maximum size is 5 pages (nearly 2300 words).
Scientific papers must fit from 7 (about 2500 words) to 25 pages (approximately 11300 words. They shall be fit in the following categories: a) Original: presents original themes, as case studies or communication revision, or “state of the art”: they discuss published works and bibliographical revisions.
The material must be typed with Microsoft Word text processor; Times New Roman font (size 12) and 1,5 line spacing. Quotations bigger than three lines must have a 4 centimeter retreat in the left border of the page, and cannot present any right border retreat or quotation marks. They also must have a double spacing from the text body. Quotation’s fonts shall be smaller than the text body (font size is 9) and the line spacing has to be simple. Quotations that are smaller than three lines can be shown inserted in the text and contain inverted commas. Foreign words have to be written in italic; titles shall be in bold. In the next items we’ll give further information and rules.
Titles and subtitles on the opening page; written in the original language and English (capital letters).
Author(s)’s complete names: presented in direct form, accompanied with a curriculum.
Abstract (in the text’s language): it must presents objectives, methodologies and achieved results – until 100 words
Abstract (translated to Portugues/English/Spanish): obligatory.
Keywords (in original text’s language): they are also required, and must be located below the abstract.
Author’s curriculum: a footnote that contains the author’s institution of origin, current academic situation and email address.
Introduction: must exposes the paper’s goals and objectives. Development: presentation of theoretical groundings, methodologies, results and discussions. The development can be divided in sections and sub-sections, according to NBR 6064, 2003. Each section title have to be presented in bold.
Conclusions: the conclusions should answer the researches fundamental questions, to their objectives and hypotheses. They can give suggestions that can be used and discussed in future papers.
Explanatory notes: arabic algarism numerations, overwritten in the word’s end or expressions inside the text; in sequential order, attending to the fact that they are primarily unique and consecutive to each article.
References: they compose an ordinated list of documents that are effectualy quoted in the text (NBR 6023, 2000).
Glossary: optional, in alphabetical order;
Illustrations (boxes, figures and photos): the illustrations have to be sent in separated files, clearly identified, indicating the place in the text in which they are intended to be inserted. Identifications are shown below the pictures, numerated (arabic digits), according to the appearance order in the text. Tables shall have a sequential arabic algarism below them, in the page’s left side, preceded by the word “table”.
Section Indication: The sections numerical indicative precedes the title, left-aligned – without traces, dots or any other symbol after the item’s titles and subtitles. They shall be numbered in Arabic digits.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12 in the main text and its references; smaller in long quotations, footnotes and illustration decriptions.
Bibliographical References: at the text’s end in alphabetical order.
The author must informs if the text is already published. GEMINiS journal will give a feedback by email informing if the status of article acceptance or not.
References Model:
[book example] RAVEN, Fábio José. Roteiros de Pesquisa. Rio do Sul: Nova Era, 2006.
[monographic example] MEDEIROS, João Bosco. Alucinação e magia na arte: o ultimatum futurista de Almada Negreiros. 1991. 100 f. Monografia (Departamento de Letras) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, USP, São Paulo, 1991.
[part of a work with a specific author]
MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Cultura e sociedade. In: LAKATOS, Eva Maria. Sociologia. 6. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1991.
[example of an article published in a magazine]
ALCÂNTARA, Eurípedes. A redoma do atraso. Veja, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 25, p. 42-43, jun. 1991.
[example of an article published in a newspaper]
RIBEIRO, Efrém. Garimpeiros voltam a invadir área ianomani. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, p. 1-10, 18 jun. 1991.
[example of dissertation/thesis]
RAUEN, Fábio José. Influência do sublinhado na produção de resumos informativos. 1996. 200f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras/Lingüística) – Curso de Pós-graduação em Letras/Lingüística, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 1996.
[example of information from internet (www)]
KARDEC, Alan. O evangelho segundo o espiritismo. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 nov. 1998.
Verification Items to submission
As part of the submission process, authors are obligated to verify if there is conformity with the following items. Submissions that aren’t following the rules will be rejected.
- The contribution is original and unpublished. It’s also being not evaluated by another journal. Otherwise, a justification must be sent in “editor comments”.
- Files are in RTF or Microsoft Word format.
- URLs to references are informed, when necessary.
- Text is in simple space. A 12 points-font is used. Italic is used instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and illustrations are inserted within the text; not in the end of the document; as attachments.
- The authory identification is removed from the file and it’s properties. This is a form to maintain the journal confidentiality criteria; in the case of acceptation and submission to pair evaluations.
Privacy Police
Names and adresses informed in this journal will be strictely used for its provided services. They’re not available to third people.
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